Inspiring Story of an Indian mother...
Make in India
2015-06-03 08:38:34 UTC
One day, a farmer in India, while ploughing a field, finds a large round stone. He takes it to a Sadhu (Holy man), who advices him to find out its true value.
The farmer takes it to an orange-seller, who offers him 5 oranges in exchange for the stone.
The farmer refuses and goes to a vegetable seller, who offers him 5 cauliflowers in exchange for the stone.
The farmer refuses it and goes to a moneylender. The moneylender offers him 10 gold coins for the stone.
The farmer refuses and goes to a jeweller, who offers him 100 gold coins.
Finally, he takes the stone to the royal treasury, where the treasurer examines the stone and replies,
"This is the largest uncut ruby in the whole world. It is priceless". The farmer returns to the Sadhu who tells him,
"This human birth is priceless! We evaluate our worth, based on whom we meet in life.
We barter our precious life for a few oranges, or a few gold coins, when actually, our soul is priceless.

We are happy to announce the launch of our book "ZeNLP-learning through stories."
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