Man - thanks so much for all the answers so quickly. Without going into
boring detail....I have a client that has a patent on a network security
device that he now wants me to build a prototype for. Part of the patent
states that the device is 'invisible' to the Internet because it has no
configured IP ports. It is supposed to sit INLINE in the network somewhere
(say between router and single PC) and filter/block packets that come
through it to the destination PC or vica-versa. It's kinda like a bridge
(only with logic processing during the bridge operation). If we address the
ports, then I depart from the patent and I have no idea what is allowed from
a legal standpoint in doing something like this. As a high level
application programmer (mostly Java for the past 15 years), I find myself
woefully short on the knowledge/experience to accomplish such a task.
But again - thanks all for the responses!
From: Keith Osborne [mailto:***]
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 8:56 AM
To: Eric Barnes
Cc: debian-***
Subject: Re: Ethernet with no IP address
You'll need to enable IP forwarding in Debian and use IP tables to do packet
inspection and act on whatever rules you write.
I don't see how Debian can be part of the process without the packets
landing on a configured interfacce to examine the packets and then forward
them based on rules.
TDR Networks
[ hosting | e-commerce | custom development | linux | cisco ]
e: ***
On 10/07/2013 14:45, Eric Barnes wrote:
Greetings and Salutations;
Is it possible to access an Ethernet port in Debian WITHOUT it being
I would like a device that has two ports with no IPs and acts as a SWITCH,
but with logic to examine and act on packets as they come through.
From the research I've done, this is not possible without developing custom
device driver and/or possibly changing part of kernel.
Just looking for some confirmation either way from people that know. :-)