I can recommend you this book: "Linux Firewalls Attack Detection and
Response with Iptables, PSAD, and Fwsnort"
It goes very deep into the theoretical and practical use of firewalls
on Linux.
It also goes into intrusion prevention and detection.
You can also dig into the Debian security manual:
And you can start auditing your system now with: tiger, lynis, lsat,
logwatch, chkrootkit, rkhunter, debsecan and checksecurity
Use the man pages to learn how to use them ;-)
Good luck!
Kind regards,
Kees de Jong
Post by Heddle WeaverCheers!
Thanks for this.
I was thinking to much about books and here I am connected to the 'net.
On 5 September 2011 12:19, Scott Ferguson
Taking first steps in the security world.
I know that a 'firewall' is nothing but a
configuration file for
iptables, but that's about it.
Blocking is only part of what constitutes a "firewall" ie. the
ultimate firewall is an air-gap.
I need recommendations for literature or other sources
of reliable
knowledge that start off with answers to questions
such as: 'What is a
Any time and trouble appreciated.
"Do you remember this [beep] - you play certain rock albums
backwards - and there's satanic messages?
Let me tell you something - if you're sitting around your
house playing your albums backwards.... You are Satan!
You needed look any further. And don't go ruining my stereo to
prove a point either."
â Bill Hicks
Met vriendelijke groet,
Kees de Jong
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